New Coffee

An oft repeated myth is that lighter roasts preserve more of the intrinsic uniqueness of a coffee coming from the conditions and practices where the coffee was grown while darker roasts mask these qualities. This is a view that diminishes the ability of a master roaster to use roasting technique as a way to navigate the range of flavor potentials that any coffee presents and our new El Salvador Quezaltepeque Finca La Esperanza Natural is a coffee that directly refutes the common myth. At a light roast, the coffee presents as overly sour and generally unpleasant. Moving into what we would consider a medium roast replaces that sourness with a mild sweetness and improves the body, making a far more enjoyable brew that we are happy to sell. Continuing into a dark roast, the fruitiness of the coffee is more fully revealed in a rich, flavorful brew that's quickly become a local favorite.

El Salvador Quezaltepeque Finca La Esperanza Natural Dark Roast is also the highlight of the 2024 edition of Holiday Blend. This combination of medium and dark roast coffees is smooth, sweet, and makes an excellent dessert coffee to enjoy after a meal with friends and family.

Two new Fair Trade Certified coffees have also been added to our offerings. Peru Fair Trade Certified is a smooth, well rounded coffee a bit on the heavier side while Java Kayumas Fair Trade Certified is just over the edge between medium and dark roasts where the coffee provides a deep, richly flavorful brew.

Now Selling Online!

You can now order one pound bags of whole bean roasted coffee through this web site. So far this is just a test run. If things go well we'll consider adding more features and products, but we're starting out with something simple. If you want something other than one pound bags of whole bean roasted coffee, orders can still be placed by phone.

Check our coffee list to see what's available!

What We Do

Wilson’s Coffee & Tea is Racine’s best source for great tasting coffee. We select exceptional coffees from all over the world and roast each on site to bring out its optimal flavor. Our coffees are available by the pound or by the cup.

A full espresso bar offers delicious cappuccinos, caffé lattés, and caffé mochas, blended drinks, and more along with fresh, made from scratch bakery.

Wilson’s also carries a large selection of premium teas and tisanes, an original chai concentrate prepared and bottled on site, fine chocolates, mugs, and tea and coffee accessories.

Coffee: Our sourcing and roasting philosophy

Every coffee comes from somewhere. The place where the coffee is grown has a tremendous influence on how it tastes. Soil, temperature, and rainfall have quite a bit to do with how a coffee will ultimately taste. Variety selection, farming techniques, and the care taken in harvesting and processing also play a role. We try to find a variety of unique coffees, all different, but all delicious.

For each lot of coffee we buy, we evaluate several different roasts and try to find ways of roasting that coffee which bring out the best characteristics of that coffee. The result of this coffee first approach is that there is a great diversity of roasting styles among the coffees we offer.