African Coffees

These are our current assortment of coffees from the African continent.

Ethiopia Natural Adem Haro Bararto

Kenya AA

Decaf Ethiopia

American Coffees

The following coffees are from North, Central, or South America.


Costa Rica La Minita Dark Roast

Costa Rica La Minita Medium Roast

Guatemala Huehuetenango Txol Witz

Mexico Pluma Medium Roast

Mexico Pluma Dark Roast

Decaf Brazil

Decaf Colombia

Decaf Peru Fair Trade Certified

Pacific Coffees

The following coffees are from a region stretching roughly from India to Australia and includes many islands.

Papua New Guinea

Sumatra Mandheling

Decaf Sumatra Fair Trade Certified

Coffee Blends and French Roast

Our blends combine multiple coffees to create flavor profiles that are difficult to achieve with a single coffee.

Big Island Blend

Breakfast Blend

European Blend

French Roast

Viking Blend Espresso

Wilson's House Blend

Decaf European Blend

Decaf French Roast

Decaf Viking Blend Espresso